
So heres what happened. I went to school for business and was working part time at a ski/snowboard shop (my passion).

It was during this time that I decided, I want to and will (and did!) continue my career in action sports marketing once I graduated.

After applying for what felt like hundreds jobs, I struck gold and landed a marketing position with an international action sports brand.

I spent the next 7 years leading digital marketing for North America, and what I learned during that period was invaluable.

Eventually my intuition told me it was time to move on to the next step. GO BIG! Deep down I’ve always wanted a business of my own, so I decided to send it and Planet Social was born in 2021!

I feel super fortunate to have had some incredible clients that have trusted me along the way. The best part of this has been working with clients from all walks of life. Some are big brands, others are small brick-and-mortars in industries of all kinds like art, sports, beauty, tech, web3, real estate, and beyond.

Think we’d be a good fit? Let’s talk!